Happy Earth Day! Go Green with Stello Foods!

Happy Earth Day! Go Green with Stello Foods!

Did you know that our packing peanuts are biodegradable?? Not only are they biodegradable, but they are EDIBLE! (Though we don't recommend eating them, WE don't make them 😆) They are made of 100% corn starch and dissolve completely in water (we did a science experiment to check.) Which means not only will they not be sitting in a landfill for the next 500 years (which is how long it takes styrofoam to decompose.) We want to leave a lasting impact behind, but not that kind. So we're taking a look at what we can do to minimize our carbon footprint and maximize the amount of benefit we can put back into our company and our community.
Inside this bag are the tops and seeds to HUNDREDS of red bell peppers that instead of going to a landfill went home with me, the social media manager, to feed my tiny dinosaurs (aka chickens). Why waste?! 

We recycle all of our aluminum and cardboard that comes through our factory, warehouse, or office, as well as the wooden pallets our ingredients are shipped on. 

Even the minor food waste that makes its way into the local sewage system actually aids in helping the treatment process by reducing the amount of organic matter the city needs to add. Little things can have big effects and that is why we are continually seeking innovative ways to reduce our waste and consumption, recycle our materials and by-products, and reuse as often as possible.

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